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About Us

Tutmate International is a team of professionals who have come together to deliver a premium service for students to find top tutors in subjects of their choice. Our team is made up of a diverse group of individuals who come from different backgrounds, including parents, students, educators, businessmen, and employees.

Our Vision

We’ve recognized some of the gaps in the online teaching and learning industry and have created Tutmate to better serve our students, parents, and tutors in their journey to excellence. We believe that education is the key to success, and our vision is to provide top-quality tutoring services to students of all levels.

Our Goal

Our goal at Tutmate International is to help students achieve their full potential by connecting them with top tutors who can cater to their individual needs and help them excel in their studies. We are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our students, parents, and tutors, and are constantly working to improve our platform and make the process of finding the right tutor as seamless as possible.

Why choose us

There are many reasons why students and parents choose Tutmate International for their tutoring needs:

We have a wide selection of top tutors in a variety of subjects, ensuring that you can find the perfect fit for your needs.

Our tutors are experienced and qualified professionals who are dedicated to helping students succeed.

We offer a variety of tutoring options, including online one-on-one, personalised learning programs and small group sessions, so you can choose the best fit for your schedule and learning style.

We make it easy to find and connect with a tutor, with a simple and user-friendly platform that allows you to browse tutor profiles, view ratings and reviews, and book sessions online.

We prioritize customer satisfaction and are always available to help with any questions or concerns you may have.

Overall, Tutmate International is a reliable and trustworthy choice for anyone looking for high-quality tutoring services. We are committed to helping students achieve their full potential and reach their academic goals.

© 2023 Tutmate International