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For Tutors

Frequently Asked Questions


We offer tutoring to students across the world.  The best time to offer tutoring is at a time to suit you.


It depends on the classes you provide.  You can choose to teach individuals or groups of varying sizes. You can also offer 1-1 PayAsYou Go tutoring which gives you more flexibility to do a few hours around your schedule. Please refer to our Payment terms for instructor payouts for more information.

We understand that emergencies can happen and so there will be occasional needs to cancel and rebook.  However, these need to be kept to a minimum. Details are in the Tutor terms and Conditions.

Yes, you are in control of your schedule and can offer as much or as little time as you wish and offer some 1-1 classes and others with different group sizes.


No. There is no subscription for a tutor. 


We are adding new subjects and classes all the time. If you wish to discuss a new subject area, please contact us on ********


Tutmate asks students to rate both tutors and classes. The higher you score, the better you chance of getting more business. You can also raise your profile by contributing blogs to the platform.


We are always looking for good tutors. If a current tutor introduces a new tutor then he or she will receive an introduction fee once they have completed 5 classes with an average of 4 stars or more.


Yes, There are many tools for you and the student to use in the Tutmate platform to communicate. However, Tutmate policy requires that you only communicate wth students and parents within the platform.


Your profile is your commercial. Just like any commercial you might see online or on TV, a commercial gives the viewer a snapshot of what makes any product so amazing and answers the simple question of what is it. What value or problem does the product solve for a person? The commercial gives a glimpse of how you work with your students and answers a few questions to possible comments or concerns.

Well, you as a tutor must now plan out your profile, or what I like to call your “commercial.” Your commercial is not only there to attract your students, but it also serves as a great method of filtering students that are eager to work with you and possibly share similar values and aspirations.


Here are a few things that every commercial should include and a few things your commercial must avoid. 

Introduce Yourself: Share some information about yourself, such as your name, where you’re from, your hobbies, the languages you speak, and other non-personal details.

What you should not do: give any of your personal information out, such as your last name, links to social media, personal contact information, or any other information that could put you at risk of violating Tutmate’s privacy and agreements. Additionally, don’t portray yourself as someone that you are not.

What do you offer: Talk about what subjects you are excited to teach and why. What’s your teaching style? How do you structure and run your class online in a way that engages and promotes learning and understanding?

What you should not do: Make some guarantee that if you do X you will get Y within some exact time. Every student is different.  Don’t describe your offering as more than what will be reasonably expected.

Why You Should Choose Me: Talk about your experience and why a student should choose to learn this subject from you. Do you hold any significant degrees or certifications? How many years have you been in this field? What makes you proficient in this subject?

What you should not do: pretend to be an expert if you are only at a beginner’s level. Don’t be misleading. Honesty is always the best policy.

State some of your expectations: What should your students expect from you? How will you provide a student-centered experience? What will you expect from your students?

What you should not do is create a teacher-centered experience. Your student needs to engage and interact with you and the material, not be bombarded and silenced from this experience. Remember that many students have other obligations outside of Tutmate. Their lack of performance might not mean they are lazy, it might mean you have to reach them from a different angle or understand what challenges they might be facing and make the necessary adjustments.


Now we know you’re an amazing person because that’s why you’re here with us. You will need to create your commercial in a video format that should be about 2 minutes in length. Now that might seem like no time. But to make this task easier consider creating a mind map of yourself with about 3- 5 highlights of each topic you want to showcase in your video. Once you’ve done that, narrow your selection down to maybe 2 of the most important things that you want to share per topic that will make you stand out from the many other tutors.

Let’s not forget to record your video in a quiet area with good lighting. Avoid anything that might be considered inappropriate in your background. Additionally, one of the most important parts of any video will be the audio. Ensure your voice is clear, understandable, and free of unnecessary noise.

If all of this has been accomplished, review your video when it is finished and get feedback from someone else

Once you’ve finished your 1–2-minute video, upload it to a site like YouTube or Vimeo and share the link (you can make the video private and only visible to people who have the link).

That’s it; you’re finished.

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